Appointment Sign-In Instructions
Choose which option best describes you...
1. I am a new client. I have never tanned at Tiki Tan by Solarium or Fun Tan.
Welcome! Select Sign in, then select the Register link and complete the form. Note: For the birth date, select the Month first, then Year, and finally the Day. Be sure to double check your entries before you hit Register. You will get an email confirming your registration and you can then Sign in with your email and password.
Once you're logged in, select the numbered options in order to view/schedule available times. To see times you already have scheduled, or to cancel a visit, select your name and then View Profile.
2. I am a Tiki Tan by Solarium or Fun Tan client but this is my first time using the scheduler.
When you Sign in, select the Existing Customer/Recover Your Password link before typing anything in. In the pop-up box, complete the fields. Note: For the birth date, select the Month first, then Year, and finally the Day. Be sure to double check your entries before you select Search.
If your name and email shows up, select it (the characters will turn red) and then select the Send Account Verification Email button. You will get an email with a temporary password. Go back to the Sign in screen and copy and paste the temp password. You will be prompted to enter a permanent password.
If your info does not show up, please text us at 574-217-0435 with your name, birth date, and email address so we can verify the info on your account is correct.
Once you're logged in, select the numbered options in order to view/schedule available times. To see times you already have scheduled, or to cancel a visit, select your name and then View Profile.
3. I am a client and I have logged in to this scheduler before, but I forgot my password.
At the Sign in page, select the Existing Customer/Recover Your Password link before typing anything in. In the pop-up box, complete the fields. Note: For the birth date, select the Month first, then Year, and finally the Day. Be sure to double check your entries before you select Search.
When your name and email shows up, select it (the characters will turn red) and then select the Send Account Verification Email button.
You will get an email with a temporary password that will include instructions on how to reset your password.
If you have any further issues getting logged in, you can ask for help in the salon, or text us at 574-217-0435.
-Once you're logged in, you can go to View Profile under your name to see the times you have already scheduled, or to cancel a visit if needed.